dude i turn 17 soon, i frequent forums and am extremely airheaded i willsuk dick for 2 bucks I have no limits and do not care what you say to me
i don't really like eeating disorder niggas because i eat slop every day of my life so i',mm 600lbs and i'm a boy
also i do not like terfs because i want all cissoids killed by lazer gun i worship pretty ladies with dicks
i look like this i say tthis
I like talking but i'm a brainlet and paranoid you gotta initiate first
i might make shitty fixes or something cuz i need to learn javascript
sometimes i end up wanting a girlfriend but i'm way too antisocial and girls are mean to me for being fat and retarded and also broke, my pooner wife killed himself off the internet because he kept being a total faggot and nobody liked him. he kept threatening to kick my ass and said he hated me but he also called me a good boy once so i was into it
also we were really mean to eachother and i think he seriously wanted me to hang myself
dude i got 0 dolalrs to my name and i'm begging my mom to give me 300 bucks for some guys pc
I CAN'T FUCCKING GET A JOB BECAUSE I'M 17 so this is pissing me off, i will slut myself out for cash
dude i might wipe this page soon, i'm back to talking to nobody and being an actual drooling tard
if you're seeing this messabge me nigga i need you
besides you jestem stop preying on me dude i'm a little boy go away breh
i'll make an actual response form
dude i don't know what i'm doing, i'm going to jack off and do nothing the rest of the day
i'm retarded and immature in need of a racist trans girlfriend
i will never change( °_o)( °_o)
i need roids it's all i'm thinkinf about
learning js instead of cpp, fucking finally bro
im off freakbobjokes.childpornography, forever dude
i literally had niggas calling me racial slurs i've never heard of before
it was funny but i also really dont want to be called a woman anymore cuz i'm not
im not going on 4chan either shit is BOOOOORING i genuinely would go back to zogtok and mindlessly scroll with annoying 14 year olds
i made my art xitter public again i'm just going to keep posting poop art even if nobody follows me bro #whatever #downsyndromesurvivalist
the xitter is gone again because of fucking jestem bro
the hot babes are flocking toward me sorry man sorry buddy i have plans :3
annas actually tryna gangrape me bro she;s already sending me calls on discord
i'm fucking bored and rotting i cant even harm myself i'm just drawing porn so i can try and sell it for 2 sheckles online
i almost got permed for drawing roblox porn
though dude the guy having sex with 10 year olds on roblox condos for money got like 200 bucks from that
i'm happy υ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υ
υ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υυ´• ﻌ •`υmy bisexuality is cured not gay no more
i finally got the fucking skin to work on my main page
the failure to parse skin popup shit was that , it's just neocities being retarded
because it < 2024 neocities sites don't support more than just the barebones filetypes like gifs and jpegs and ico
i had a site from 2022
dude i might develop an actual dating sim soon once i get the character concepts down
also man if i really wanted to i could host a site for 12 bucks for a year atleast i'll think about it
it might get me doxxed but OH WELL NIGGA!!!!!1 I NEED KILLFAGGOTS.COM
this is the last thing i'll post on this domain use the new one